Musings from
BEE – Beyond Equity in Education

Flower Moon

by | May 26, 2021

“Our indigenous herbalists say to pay attention when plants come to you; they’re bringing you something you need to learn.” -Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Here at BEE – Beyond Equity in Education, we know that wonderment happens when we tune in to our surroundings differently and reconsider relationships, like those of teacher/student. Seismic shifts happen when teachers pay attention to their students in new ways. We must trust in the capability of every one of our students to be inquisitive learners. And by embracing your own sense of wonder, you will learn so much from them as well.

At this point in the school year everyone is filled with longing to be outdoors; nature beckons us outside to celebrate and learn from her. No one knows this better than children and wise adults who follow their lead. This innate wisdom tells us that we are part of something much bigger than our families, our classrooms, our communities, or our countries. We are part of this Earth and the Earth is part of us.

We intentionally chose our launch day to be May 26 to honor the Flower Moon, as May’s full moon is often called by people native to the Western Hemisphere. This year’s Flower Moon will also be a Super Moon, which means it will be the brightest and largest full moon of the year due to its nearest approach to the Earth. It is extra special this year because it coincides with a lunar eclipse. So please take a moment to look around today and behold the wonder that surrounds us in nature and in your students.

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