BEE – Beyond Equity in Education™

equity-based classrooms is revolutionary

We offer comprehensive, wrap around Equity Services for educators, youth, and their families, creating classrooms students deserve and teachers want to teach in.

We’re moving equity beyond simple data points.

Equity in the Classroom

Begins when Equity is embedded throughout the system. 

Bay Jones developed a roadmap to align equity through daily school routines, providing people time and space to connect, understand, and support one another from District level to the Classroom and into the Community.

Equity Strategies for School Systems

Effective schools center equity… but it doesn’t stop there.

Transformation in awareness helps educators, students, and families recognize that systemic inequity holds everyone back. We seek to center the humanity of every student through compassion and mutual respect. We co-create an education that moves data points to the margins because we know…

…wisdom begins with people, not percentages.

Making Schools Better Places for Everyone

Our Offerings

We provide Equity Services for comprehensive system-wide change, including Board Retreats, town hall meetings, keynote addresses, self-paced modules on equity topics for youth, families, and educators. Our guidebooks, resources, and lesson templates support our site-based program, empowering students to be self-sufficient, independent contributors to society.

Join the Hive

By becoming a Hive member, you are invited to attend regular, live Restorative Practice sessions, receive discounts on classes, and join The Buzz—an online book club where we read amazing books on issues of social justice with other powerful, supportive, like-minded Hive members.



Weekly live check-ins with calming practices to start your week right


Enjoy 10% off every class as you grow your skills in equity education


Join The Hive where we meet online to read and discuss books and timely topics


Talk with guest speakers doing change work in classrooms and beyond

Our downloadable, quality, in-depth resources provide answers for your “Why” and support all valued stakeholders in improving schools.

Our Series: Learning to Fly

People run systems, people function within systems, and people use practices most comfortable and familiar to them when seeing, valuing, and behaving in schools. We can examine bias, systemic injustice, trends and patterns that lead to distrust, blame, shame, and fear. There is a better, more productive way of being in space with one another—I am sure of it and I provide course materials to guide us there together.

Part I: Taking Flight

Begin HERE to use your innate awareness, curiosity, and compassion to advocate for an end to inequity.

Part II: Soaring Above

Continue HERE to transform your social justice practice. Learn skills to break the silence and move through adversity and discomfort so you become an advocate for equity in schools and community.

Part I: Taking Flight

Begin HERE to use your innate awareness, curiosity, and compassion to advocate for an end to inequity.

Part III: Moving Beyond

Arrive HERE to collaborate with others who have a proven record of dismantling inequity in their sphere of influence.

MISSION: BEE – Beyond Equity in Education™ fortifies us with the eyes that seek, the hearts that love, the minds that wonder, and the hands that act, so those who wish to bring equity to our schools have the tools and the community to do so.

Community is at the heart of all we do.

Our Blog