
Part I: Taking Flight


Begin HERE and use your innate awareness, curiosity, and passion for social justice to deepen your understanding of systemic barriers and spark culturally responsive ways of knowing and teaching in the classroom. Start date to be announced.



This is the first class in our three-class series, Learning to Fly. All students new to courses offered by BEE – Beyond Equity in Education, must start here. In this 8-week course, students will tap into their senses to begin the inner work required to bring about equitable learning environments. This unique class is developed by teachers in support of teachers, like you, who care and who need space and time to work through these ideas and concepts in ways uniquely applicable to the classroom teacher.

To participate in our class, you just need an internet connection and an open mind. This self-paced online professional development class offers weekly live online sessions which are recorded and available to course participants for a limited time after the conclusion of each course. The remainder of the week’s tasks include completion of assigned articles/videos/podcasts, engagement in a discussion board with other class participants and written responses to question prompts found in our downloadable journal that must be purchased separately. Start Date To Be Announced.